giovedì 6 marzo 2014

Novanta ... music of few words!

Album cover: Novanta - bedroom metal
Source: Link
Novanta (means Ninety), is an instrumental project post-rock, shoegaze and electronic devised and performed by Manfred Lamartina, from Palermo for a few years stationed in Milan. 

Why the name Novanta (nineties)? In the nineties, Layne Staley was still alive, Mark Kozelek staged his intimate drama called Red House Painters , Billy Corgan dreamed of a better rock , My Bloody Valentine gave a sense of the chaos and Mogwai beginning of a fantastic story arpeggios and crescendo. In the nineties there were the twin towers, the magical nights, tangentopoli, the massacres of the Mafia , Berlusconi and Prodi, the Italian Lira highly devalued, petroleum at $10 a barrel. In the nineties, Angelo Badalamenti composed the most beautiful soundtrack ever, while the great Lance Henriksen finally took a leading role with Millennium. In the nineties it was thought that a millennium of flying cars, teleport, space travel, and Star Wars only. That's why it's called Novanta (Ninety). A sort of musical commentary slow to remember the times that were and to tell the mood of those who expected a twenty-first century by different colours. Not surprisingly, Novanta (Ninety) is also the number that represents fear.

Listen and enjoy ...

In March of 2011 the first cd was publish, "Novanta", distributed under license Creative Commons. In February 2012 released "Bedroom metal", always as a free download, this time with the support of Zeit Interference / Lizard Records. In April 2013 comes "Crescendo", which sees the extraordinary (in every sense) the participation of Herself and Nazarene. In July 2013, the song "Get your fire" was selected for the summer compilation of Rockit. In September 2013“Abbi cura di me” (Take care of me) in Pluviôse compilation Seashell Records published in cassette and digital. In February 2014 another released "No captcha Song", a song made ​​on the occasion of the Day No Captcha.

Article source: Link

Links:  Novanta Wordpress, Soundcloud